
Creating a user account

  1. On the home page, click on the Sign up button

  2. Fill the form and submit

  3. Open the email that has been sent to you and click on the email confirmation link

  4. Click on the Confirm button

Adding your personal information

  1. Log in to your account

  2. Fill the form and submit

Other features

Adding a child’s information


You should have added your personal information

  1. On your navigation menu, click on Add a child

  2. Fill the form and submit

  3. If you’re not the child’s parent, fill the form on the page that you’ll be redirected to and submit

Adding an adult’s information


You should have the following permissions: Can add person, Can view person

  1. On your navigation menu, click on Add an adult

  2. Fill the form and submit

Viewing all people’s records


You should have the following permission: Can view person

  1. On your navigation menu, click on All people

Adding an interpersonal relationship


You should have the following permissions: Can add interpersonal relationship, Can view interpersonal relationship

  1. On your navigation menu, click on Add an interpersonal relationship

  2. Fill the form and submit

Viewing all interpersonal relationships


You should have the following permission: Can view interpersonal relationship

  1. On your navigation menu, click on All interpersonal relationships

Adding a person’s temperature record


You should have the following permissions: Can add temperature record, Can view person

  1. On your navigation menu, click on People

  2. Search for the person’s record using their name or username

  3. From the seaech results, click on the add temp button for the person

  4. Fill the form and submit

Password reset


You should have a user account

  1. On the log in page, click on the I don’t remember my password link that is below the Log in button.

  2. Enter your email address and submit the form

  3. Open the password reset email that has been sent to the email address you provided in step 2

  4. Click on the password reset link

  5. Fill the form and submit